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Purchase a catalogue and be put in contact with Ghanaian manufacturers

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Supplier Catalogue
Supplier Catalogue

Catalogue and individual trade membership (1 year)


Purchase a catalogue and gain access to suppliers across Ghana. The classified procurement  catalogue is sent via email transfer/usb  . The catalogue provides detailed descriptions, guideline prices, payment details and vendor contact details.

Updated regularly the catalogue provides detailed descriptions of items as well as contact details of vendors. AstrologyPsych takes no commission ensuring suppliers get the best prices on products displayed.


The catalogue contains the following categories: Bolga baskets, Jewellery, Clothing, and much more.  The most comprehensive list of vendors within Ghana suited for a startup entrepreneur, wholesaler or private label distributors.


By buying a catalogue you are automatically enrolled as a membership trade account for 1 year and updated regularly of new vendors within Ghana .  

With this membership you gain access to wholesale pricing of all items and exclusive


At AstrologyPsych, you’ll find everything from 18 carat jewellery to clothing and handcrafted items - all in one catalogue.

We’re able to bring you such great values because of our enormous buying power, and you get to enjoy the convenience of one-stop shopping.


Your purchase also supports the indigenous livelihoods of Ghana's poorest residents, empowering them to earn a sustainable income through entrepreneurship and export of their crafts.

Supplier Catalogue
