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Support our mission to sell sustainable products from Ghana

Purchase a catalogue and be put in contact with Ghanaian manufacturers

OUR PLAN FOR 2022: Economic twinning is Educational winning

AstrologyPsych has twinned with the Ghana Cultural and voluntary society to provide individuals in Ghana access to education. Every service purchased Astrology Psych supports in eradicating illiteracy. Astrology Psych believes in transparency and wherever possible to share news activities and plans to support Ghana with the world. This is why we believe in sharing private label, wholesale and dropshipping contacts over 7 different categories with the world . By purchasing any of the following entrepreneurship programmes you support eradicating illiteracy in Ghana whilst personally gaining a service.

Services from Ghana

Astrology Psych believes in transparency and wherever possible to share news activities and plans to support Ghana with the world. This is why we believe in sharing private label, wholesale and dropshipping contacts over several different categories with the world . By purchasing any of the following entrepreneurship programmes you support eradicating poverty in Ghana whilst personally gaining a service.

Wishing on a star package

This is a perfect package for entrepreneurs seeking a dropshipping, wholesale or private label product. Each product comes as a choice of memory stick, cd rom and digital copy of a catalogue. The catalogue comes ready-made with ad-copies, photos and pre-ready negotiated prices. This is ideal for the confident entrepreneur seeking unique products. All catalogues come with unique contact to be a self employed entrepreneur.

Support our mission to sell sustainable products from Ghana

Purchase a catalogue and be put in contact with Ghanaian manufacturers


The Culture package 

Gain a strategic MBA part time and fast track your business. The culture provides a unique insight to running any business in Ghana. As a detailed course set over 30 days individuals are encouraged to study through podcast learning. The Culture package comes with an added bonus of a digital catalogue supplying unique contacts in Ghana.

Support our mission to eradicate illiteracy in Ghana

Purchase a course educate yourself and individuals in Ghana


Struggling from success package

Are you a confident entrepreneur unable to find a product? Not interested in any of the products within the catalogue? Need help on a specific issue? Look no further AstrologyPsych is here to guide the way. Have a one to one consultancy session with a leading Ghanaian economist. Spaces are limited and must be booked in advance.

Would you like to become an entrepreneur?

Join the next cohort of the strategic MBA masterclass